Contact Us: Manuscript Submission
Submission Guidelines for Prospective Day One Authors
Thank you for your interest in publishing with Day One Christian Ministries. The notes here should assist you when you make a submission. Please keep in mind our primary aim, stated as follows:
Day One Publications aim to provide resources for evangelism and discipleship in today's world.
We accept manuscripts in ether of two formats:
- Hard copy (please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you require your material back after review)
- Electronic copy, preferably in Microsoft Word or a PDF
When making your submission, please let us have the following:
- Your name, address and contact information, including e-mail address, phone and website details (if applicable)
- A little information about yourself: This should include your spiritual background and church connection, your educational and work background, mention of any books or materials you already have in print, your circle of influence, your interests and hobbies, and a little information about your family.
Please mention whether your book would be illustrated, and, if so, whether it would require colour or only black and white illustrations
It is also helpful for us to learn from you what you think makes your prospective book different from books that are already in print.
- Does it shed important new light on a matter?
- Does it make a complex subject more accessible?
- Does it apply Bible teaching and spiritual principles clearly to a particular area of life?
If you are able to mention other points of interest to us, factors such as these would be important:
- Are you able to secure endorsements from people with name recognition who would commend your work to the general public? (We do not require these before agreeing to publish a manuscript.)
- Are you well positioned (perhaps as a public speaker, lecturer etc) to make your book well known?
Theological review
Before any manuscript is agreed for publication, it is subject to the evaluation of our publications team, a group of people in pastoral ministry who are theologically astute, and take great care that whatever Day One Christian Ministries bring into print is in line with the Bible's teaching.
It is also vital that prospective authors be in substantial agreement with our doctrinal basis, which is articulated at the end of this page.
Once we have been through the preliminary steps outlined above, and have agreed to review your manuscript, we normally make a definite or qualified response within six months.
It is neither unethical nor illegal for an author to submit a proposal to more than one publisher simultaneously. However, we would appreciate knowing whether your proposal is part of a multiple submission.
Manuscript submission addresses
Day One Christian Ministries
Ryelands Road
United Kingdom
Doctrinal Basis of Constitution
- Belief that we should make every effort to proclaim the Gospel of the grace of God through Christ Jesus.
- Belief in the whole Bible consisting of the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament as the inspired and inerrant Word of God, being God's complete authoritative revelation in all matters of doctrine and practice.
- Belief that all are sinners and come short of the glory of God; and in the necessity of the new birth by the Holy Spirit in order to become children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
- Day One exists to uphold and proclaim the Lord's Day as:
- A creation ordinance
- A command of God
- A celebration of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
- A day of rest and worship for the glory of God and the benefit of man.
- We seek to do this through preaching, publications and parliamentary action. We seek, at the same time, to proclaim the Gospel and to promote righteousness.
- Belief in the essential Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His incarnation and virgin birth, the truth of all His words, His all-sufficient atoning substitutionary death and bodily resurrection, ascension and coming again.